Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Today, Dan and I are feeling a bit deflated. We have walked a little over 650 miles and have encountered a bit of an unexpected speed bump in the road. About 20 miles after leaving Tehachapi, Dans shoulder strap broke on his bag while we were crawling on the trail trying not to get blown off the mountain from 60 mph winds. Of course it happens the first day going into seven day stretch where civilization is non existent so stopping somewhere to try to fix it was not an option. I had just tossed my duct tape in the trash before we hiked out that afternoon so we didn't have any way to McGuiver it before Kennedy Meadows. That same night I reached into my pack to dig out my sleeping bag and noticed the wired frame of my bag broke and had begun to dig a hole through the bottom of my pack. After discussion, we decided we would try to call REI along the way to see if we could ship new bags to ourselves in the high Sierras. I searched around in my bag to find my phone and wouldn't you know, I forgot to turn my phone off so the battery was completely dead. Then our tent broke. Tired, sore, and emotionally drained, we sat in our tent contemplating our next move. The only option was to hike on.

The following days were just as rough. We were faced with 30 mile stretches in shadeless desert with no certainty of water up ahead. For the past 40 miles we had come across piles and piles of cow dung...they HAD to have been getting water somewhere, right? Where were these cows going??? Where in the heck were they coming from??? There was NOTHING around!!! And then we stumbled across a cow skull. Looks like he didn't find water either. We finally hit a water source and no one would drink from it (and we've all drank pretty questionable water at times). We were stuck with a liter of water each with about 10 more miles to go.

We finally reached a road just as soon as our water ran out. Completely exhausted we decided to catch a hitch to any town nearby to try to get our gear situated. We ended up in a town next to the Kern River. There isn't anything near here and we don't know how we are going to get to Kennedy Meadows. We may call it quits or we may try to rent a car so we can drive to the next big town near a trail head somewhere. We don't know what we will do but our spirits have hit a low point :(

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hey everyone! It's been awhile since my last post. I've been thinking about what to write about but so much has happened that it would be so hard to pinpoint just one topic. I figured I would leave you with a list of all the crazy things we've experienced since my last update (in no particular order):

1. Walked my first marathon (27 mile day)

2. Reached 500 miles (right now we are at about 560)

3. Night hiked for the first time

4. Saw a skunk while night hiking...and then it chased after Dan and I. Luckily we did not get sprayed...but it was a close call for sure

5. Walked along the Aqua Duct for 20 something miles

6. Successfully completed the Mojave Desert section

7. Saw a fox

8. Walked through giant wind farms that sound a lot like airplanes

9. Hiked and camped in a massive wind storm of about 70 mph winds...Part of our tent broke, a tree fell over, and some hikers were literally crawling on the trail because they couldn't stand. Scary stuff.

10. Ordered pizza under a highway bridge

11. Slept / played yahtzee under a [different] bridge to beat the heat of the Mojave

12. A coyote stole our friends underwear at night

13. Witnessed a chocolate syrup wrestling match

14. Had my first face plant...into a giant burnt up poodle dog bush.

15. Inherited a couple more trail of which is a buzzer sound the other is Hot Mess

16. I typically wear shoe size 7.5...I am now at a size 10! my poor feet hate me

17. Hung out in some hot springs that were frequented by Charles Manson

18. Walked across a bridge that was supposed to be closed off...if you know me, you know I have a major fear of bridges so this was huge for me (and maybe a bit stupid)

19. Met a lot of new friends, each have their own reasons for hiking this trail and all with pretty amazing stories to tell. A couple of them are hiking to raise awareness for different diseases that have in some way affected their lives. This has inspired me to do my best to help out the niece of a dear friend of mine. Baby Charlotte is a year old and was diagnosed with an extremely rare brain and spinal cord tumor called Gliofibroma. Her family is trying to raise money to help the Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke. To read Charlottes story and make donations please check out the following link :

I would love to try to raise at least the number of miles I complete on this journey. It's for a wonderful cause!

I miss everyone and appreciate all the love and support you have shown. It definitely hasn't been easy but the encouragement is what keeps me going.

Hugs to all and can't wait to see everyone again. I'm about to enter the High Sierras in the next week or so, so wish me luck! Could be the hardest part of the trail yet!


On top of Baden-Powell

Early morning in the Mojave

Part of the crew in Wrightwood

500 miles!!! Officially thru-hikers (according to our thru-hiker permits)

Walking in the Mojave

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