Sunday, April 29, 2012

Taking a minute to stop in to this amazing Resource Center in Warner Springs. They just fed me a delicious plate of pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee, and juice. They also let me soak my feet in some Epson Salt. I seriuosly love these people. Since I have a few minutes of internet access from an actual computer, I thought I'd share some photos taken so far. Today was probably my favorite day up to this point. We got out of the desert for about 10 miles and hiked through these incredible pastures...filled with some pretty hilarious, mean-mugging cows. Take a look.

Giving us the Stink Eye

Eagle Rock - appropriately named

Cow pastures

Over the River and Through the Woods...

Where it All Began...Campo, CA (behind that wall is Mexico)
Dan Walking Through the Mountains

Jamie Walking Toward the Cows

Long 17 mile day (L to R - Einstein, Beaver Cheeks, Fetus, WeeBee, Stride, Mr.Wizard)

Desert Sunrise

Saturday, April 28, 2012

First Big Milestone

Today was a huge milestone for us. We reached our first 100 miles!!! We are camping out at a place called Barrel Springs. The entire day we were imagining this oasis of water located in the middle of a mountain with the freshest water ever. Joke was on us because we pulled up next to a disgusting water trough that had signs posted everywhere indicating that the water was contaminated with rotting rodent carcass. Yuuuummmmm!!! So disheartening after walking 13 miles on these bad boys:

Yes...thats the entire tip of my toe hanging on to dear life. There's a good chance I may have to amputate my pinky.The left ones starting to do the same thing. Yowzers! Not sure you can really tell from this photo but i have a blister that formed in between my big toe and the one next to it. Unbeknownst to me, it had rapidly grown throughout todays hike. The next thing I know, i feel this giant squish in between my toes and realized what had happened. The blister had exploded. It felt like i had been running around in the grass bare foot and stepped on a giant mound of dog poo (and im sure at least one of you know how that feels). It was a very weird sensation. Other than the feet situation I am feeling great! I can feel my body whipping into shape more and more each day.

If anyone wants a postcard send me your address! I had some written down but forgot them at home. Typical.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

There's a first for everything

Hey everyone! Haven't had much time to contact anyone so I quickly set up this blog page while I have a few minutes in town. Dan and I are on day 6 of our hike and already we've covered 80 miles over gigantic mountains in the desert. It's been extremely hot with very little shade but thankfully a storm is coming in so we had little to no sun to deal with today. I've been told that the worst is yet to come once we hit the heart of the Mojave Desert...which makes me a little nervous. According to everyone I've met thus far, EVERYTHING makes me nervous which is why I've inherited the trail name "Worry Wart" aka "Double Dubs." I'm hoping that name changes over time into something more intimidating and fierce to others. Right now it's just embarrassing when someone asks me what my trail name is, although it really is quite fitting. I've taken lots of pictures with my camera but not so many with my iPhone so I will try to post as many as I can throughout the trip although Im trying to conserve battery life as much as possible on the phone since charging will be seldom.

I had a lot of first experiences today. For starters I encountered my first rattlesnake. I knew it was only a matter of time. Most people I've been hiking with are averaging at least one or two a day. My heart was racing. This thing looked like he just ate a baby deer for breakfast. But thankfully there was enough room to mosey on around him off the trail. A lot of the trail thus far has been about a foot wide and all along cliffs.

My second "first" for today was experiencing the amazingness that they call "Trail Magic." it couldn't have happened at a better time either. My new Alaskan friend WeeBee and I were talking about all the delicious meals we would stuff our faces with as soon as we reached town and just trying the best we could to distract ourselves from the extremely painful colony of blisters forming on our feet from the past week. I ended the conversation in typical Jamie form saying how much I just wanted an effing beer and a slice of pizza (although my exact words were a tad more explicit) and just then I look up and a group of six hikers were sitting under some shade next to a cooler filled with beer and sodas and next to it was a variety of fresh fruit and apple pie. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I graciously took a soda (I was saving the beer for the pizza I expected to get in town) and apologized for making a grand entrance by dropping the F word. They all just laughed and said "ask and you shall receive." we kicked it with them for awhile until we moved on to my next "first."

As soon as we finished up guzzling down our drinks we walked about a quarter mile down the road to hitch hike into town which was about 15 miles down the road. My first hitching experience. Both scary and thrilling all at the same time. A few cars passed us by until this clunker of a car pulls up and tells us to get in. It was a young woman, her father and a sleeping baby who was passed out in his car seat in the back. After hopping in we exchanged introductions and they asked us where we were hiking to and later told us we were crazy. Stephanie, the driver, had a lead foot and apparently didn't realize that cars were made with break pedals. Worry Wart was in full effect as my nervousness went from 'oh no these people could be murderers' to 'holy crap I think we might drive over a cliff.' We ended up getting to town ok and are so thankful for Stephanie and her dad for taking a chance on picking up two vagabonds on the side of the road. For all I know they could have thought we were mass murderers.

Which brings me to my last "first" for the day. This blog. Please bear with me as it will be a work in progress.

My love to everyone. Missing the comforts of home but thrilled to be living out this great adventure. Peace and love.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone