Sunday, May 13, 2012

Wizard me this: What (NOT) to do when you encounter a rattlesnake

I would assume that most of you would not have to be told this...but considering my boyfriend is pretty smart and has a masters degree, he lacks common sense sometimes which is why I feel it necessary to post this...and I think it's rather amusing (after the fact).

We were heading uphill from Mission Creek late afternoon, exhausted from the days heat and had about 8 more miles to hike to reach camp. We hit this one section where you had to beware of this extremely poisonous plant called the Poodle Dog Bush. Apparently it's way more painful than poison ivy/oak if you come into contact with it. At one point I just laughed to myself because it felt like I was in a video game. Not only did I have to concentrate on my breathing, foot placement, and snakes, but now I had to be extremely wary of this damn poodle dog bush...and I didn't even know what the hell it looked like (thankfully it was pointed out to us when we first came across it but this stuff was dominating the trail!). So here we are calling out to each other, "poodle dog left! Poodle dog right!" when someone ahead of us on the trail yells to us, "rattlesnake up here if anyone's behind us!" We call back thanking them for the warning and then I make Dan get in front since I'm always the one who has to come across the hissing sound of rattles first...and he just finds my reactions to snakes so amusing so I told him to see how well he reacts to it.

Well, we keep walking and we are both nervously laughing because we just know its coming, we just have no idea when. Now we've just left video game mode and entered haunted house know, when you get that feeling where you just know something is about to jump out and scare the bejeezus out of you and there's nothing you can do about it? Yeah...that's what it felt like. Annnnd then the rattles went off! Dan bolted and just left me in the dust and then spins around, falls to the ground and yells out "It got me!"

Ummmm...excuse me? Yo dawg, you're going to have to clarify that statement. What in the hell do you MEAN it just got you?!?! Panic mode starts to set in. I can't tell if Dan is laughing or crying as he's squirming on the ground trying to get up. I scan the perimeter and noticed the two guys who warned us earlier standing on the switchback above us watching this entire scenario unfold. They look panic stricken too. Again I scream to Dan, "what does that mean??? Were you bit??" he responds laughing, "no! It got me! As in it scared the crap out of me! I wasn't ready for that!"

So after its settled that Dans ok, he gets up and tells me that snake isn't budging so I'm going to have to walk around it. Normally this would be fantastic advice but I look up and realize the entire other side of the trail is Poodle Dog Bush. Dammit! There was nothing else to do but gun it. I just ran past it as fast as I could and smacked Dan on the arm telling him to never cry out "it got me!" again when we see a snake (unless it in fact does get you). We ran into the two guys that witnessed this the next morning and they confirmed that they were playing out in their heads how to get a helicopter in to save Dan. What a dummy. Glad he wasn't hurt but c'mon, really? "it got me"???

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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